Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/palm/src/cygwin1.dll,v

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@Initial palm skin
@MZ���@@�����L�This program cannot be run in DOS mode.

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a��<R
a�$�$ya�$ya�$��
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You have multiple copies of cygwin1.dll on your system.
Search for cygwin1.dll using the Windows Start->Find/Search facility
and delete all but the most recent version.  The most recent version *should*
reside in x:\cygwin\bin, where 'x' is the drive on which you have
installed the cygwin distribution.�U��(�
af�@���]É$�$�a��uא�&�$�a���$�$���u��9�$8R
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a�$�$�a�$�a�$����1���tA�aa�@���t�t*�R
a�$�$�a�$�a렡<R
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a�$�$O�a�$b�a�$�����$�$���
a4�$��@�$���$���$��$��R
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Failed to start debugger: %Eerror_startCYGWINdebugger_command '%s'��U������R
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�������irtual void fhandler_dev_null::dump()��&U���R
a�$��$�a�$Xwa�������������virtual void fhandler_base::set_inheritance(void*&, int)DuplicateHandle failed, %E��U��(�x
a��$��$�$�$�$1�}�$��$�
��u	�R
a�$@@�$`�a�$�a�@�t&void fhandler_base::fork_fixup(void*, void*&, const char*)handle %p already opened%s - %E, handle %s<%p>�t&U��(��������uA�R
a�$@@�$@@�a�${�a��$�����$��$�$�$�$�
��u�F,�$�a�$8R
a�$��$��$@@�a�$��$��������������irtual void fhandler_base::set_close_on_exec(int)��'set close_on_exec for %s to %d���(���������t_�tM�@@��R
a�$@@�$�a�$�a�$��������$�$�$�S뉐�&virtual void fhandler_base::fixup_after_fork(void*)io_handleinheriting '%s' from parent�U����
a��u;����t��Í��$��$Ԅa�$��$���,�$ބa�$8R
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a�$��$ �a�$X�a�믍v�'U������$
a�$��a��$�밐���������������int set_clipboard(const void*, unsigned int)����������ouldn't write native format to the clipboard %04x %x��'Couldn't write to the clipboardCouldn't free global buffer after write to the clipboard�&Couldn't allocate global buffer for write�U�WVS���$����$�$�
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a�$��$�a�$�a돡�
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a�$@@�$@@�a�$i�a�$�뉍�BOOL fhandler_console::set_raw_win32_keyboard_mode(int)raw keyboard mode %sabledendis��U�����,
a�$�$@@�a�$x�a��t��a�$����É�a���U��8����$���$�؉D$�
a�t�$�$�����ËG@@�$�$���&f9�u�ΐ����������virtual void fhandler_console::read(void*, size_t&)mouse: button state unchanged%c%c%cmouse: %s at (%d,%d)mouse: position out of rangemouse: double-click -> click{%u;%u;%u;%u;%u;%luK����������������netrel/src/cygwin-1.3.22-1/winsup/cygwin/fhandler_console.ccReadConsoleInput failed, %E�U�WVS���$����$���$� ���$���$�$��$�����$���]Ë����»�����A
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a�t��$����$��$g�a�$8R
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a���<�49�t�,
a�u	����$8R
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a�$��$�a�$�a��v�'virtual int fhandler_console::ioctl(unsigned int, void*)WINSZ: (row=%d,col=%d)WINSZ failed���(����=Tt7=Tt�����]���$�$�1�]�É$��tW�,
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a�$�$�a�$@@�a�$�$�$��$��$ �믍��int fhandler_console::input_tcsetattr(int, const termios*)�t&%d = tcsetattr (,%x) enable flags %p, c_lflag %p iflag %p�U�WVS�,���$���$���
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a�$�P�$�T���'const unsigned char* fhandler_console::write_normal(const unsigned char*, const unsigned char*)
write failed, handle %pconversion error, handle %p��'U��WVS蠮
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a�$��$�a�$�a��oid set_console_title(char*)title '%s'�������������ait for title mutex failed rc %d, %E��'U��8������$�$�	�:�,
a��u	����$8R
a�$@@�$�a�$�a�$��$8R
a�$�$�a�$�a�$���virtual void fhandler_console::fixup_after_exec(void*)��'error opening console after exec, errno %d, %E���������rror opening input console handle after exec, errno %d, %E�&U�WVS����$����$�����$�$�$
a��a�$��$�a�$ �a��$��$8R
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a�$@@�$�a�$�a�뽉�?���<�$���$�
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MemTotal:     %10lu kB
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MemShared:             0 kB
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a�$�$�a�$�a�$������������irtual int fhandler_tty_common::dup(fhandler_base*)�&�'dup %d failed in DuplicateHandle, %E�v�'U�WVS�,���`�`�@@�$�$�$��`�$��@@��$�`�$��$��D���D�H���H�L���L�x
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a�$@@�$�a�$ƅa��T$ ���$8R
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a���}���1ɍU����$�����uG�<R
a�$@@�$P�a�$�a���&1҉��t��C����$��$����:�`�$8R
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a��u	��]�$8R
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a�$��$��$0#a�$�$��� [^]Å��7�$��$��$�����$��tH��uϋt\a�t	�R
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a�$�$P<a�$�a�$��t&�t�L?
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a�$�$�a�$>a�$��R
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a������R
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a�$�$�a�$��$�$���;9�
a�$���nt kill_pgrp(int, int)%d = kill (%d, %d)���������illing pid %d, pgrp %d, p->ctty %d, myself->ctty %dpid %d, signal %d��&U�WVS�؃�E���
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a�$�$�a�$��$���L?
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a�u��]��$8R
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a�$@@�$��$!Ma����T.��u�t�$8R
a�$��$��$0Ma�@�$�$���R
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a�$�$�a�$�a��R
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a��1�Ft#��C��t��|獴&�$���tm��$��$���$�$�$����t���
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a��t'�@�$����@�$���$��Q
a�$�$�a�$sa�$��$�Q
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a�$��$=wa�$Qxa��R
a�$�$=wa�$axa��$��A
a����WORD wait_subproc(void*)starting�&�'wait failed. nchildren %d, wait %d, %E�������������children %d, event[%d] %p, %E�children %d, event[%d] %p, pchildren[%d] %p, events[0] %p, %E�id %d, dwProcessId %u, hProcess %p, progname '%s'���U�VS�0�<R
a�$�$_a�$ya�1ې�&��
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a�u����]�$8R
a�<�$@@�$�a�$��$�$��t&�$��u�����8�A�u�ȉ����$8R
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%%% Cygwin api major: 0
%%% Cygwin api minor: 78
%%% Cygwin shared data: 3
%%% Cygwin dll identifier: cygwin1
%%% Cygwin mount registry: 2
%%% Cygwin cygnus registry name: Cygnus Solutions
%%% Cygwin cygwin registry name: Cygwin
%%% Cygwin program options name: Program Options
%%% Cygwin cygwin mount registry name: mounts v2
%%% Cygwin cygdrive flags: cygdrive flags
%%% Cygwin cygdrive prefix: cygdrive prefix
%%% Cygwin cygdrive default prefix: 
%%% Cygwin build date: Tue Mar 18 09:20:11 EST 2003
%%% Cygwin CVS tag: dontuse-21
%%% Cygwin shared id: cygwin1S3
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sed: Output line too long.
sed: Output line too long.
sed: Output line too long.
sed 20384760: suicide: sys: trap: fault write addr=0x49000 pc=0x00002f96

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