Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/cinap_lenrek/old/linuxemu.old/linux.h

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/* two ways to say what a system call is */
#define SYSCALL(x) void x(struct Ureg *ureg)
typedef void(*Syscall)(struct Ureg*);

/* macros for use within system calls */
#define ARG1 ((ureg)->bx)
#define ARG2 ((ureg)->cx)
#define ARG3 ((ureg)->dx)
#define ARG4 ((ureg)->si)
#define ARG5 ((ureg)->di)
#define ARG6 ((ureg)->bp)
#define RETURN(X) { ureg->ax = (ulong) (X); return; }

/* ioctls */
#define IOCTL(x) int x(int fd, uint cmd, ulong arg)

typedef struct Ioctl Ioctl;
struct Ioctl
	uint	num;
	int	(*f)(int, uint, ulong);

typedef struct Ioctlname Ioctlname;
struct Ioctlname
	uint	num;
	char	*name;

/* a mechanically generated list of names. */
extern char *syscallname[];
extern Ioctlname ioctlname[];

 * provided by systab.c, which is mechanically
 * generated from systab
extern Syscall syscalltab[];
extern Ioctl ioctltab[];

	PAGE_SIZE = 4096,

#define TRUNC_PAGE(x) \
	((x) & PAGE_MASK)
#define ROUND_PAGE(x) \
	(((x) & (PAGE_SIZE-1)) ? (TRUNC_PAGE(x) + PAGE_SIZE) : (x))

/* an assembly hack */
void jumpstack(ulong addr, ulong *stack);
void jumpureg(struct Ureg *ureg);
void callsignal(int sig, void *handler);

/* atomic inc/dec */
void _xinc(long *);
long _xdec(long *);

/* proc */
void set9stack(void *);
int do9stack(int (*fn)(void *), void *);
int createxproc(void (*fn)(void *), void *arg, int flags, int stacksize);

/* load.c, elf loading */
typedef struct ElfEx ElfEx;
struct ElfEx
	ulong	ientry;	// interpreter 
	ulong	ibase;

	ulong	entry;
	ulong	base;

	ulong	phdr;
	ulong	phnum;
	ulong	phent;

int loadelf(char *file, ElfEx *ex);

 * contains argv[] not including the emulated program
 * arguments. used in execve() syscall to restart the emulator 
 * with another program.
extern char **emuargv;


typedef struct Sigqueue Sigqueue;
struct Sigqueue
	struct {
		int	sig;
		void	*info;

	int	rp;
	int	wp;

typedef struct Sigstate Sigstate;
struct Sigstate
	long			level;

	/* signal actions */
	struct {
		void		*handler;
		ulong	flags;
		uvlong	blocked;
	}		action[63];

	/* for normal signals only */
	void		*info[31];
	ulong	pending;

	/* for realtime signals only */
	Sigqueue	rtsq;

	/* all blocked signals */
	uvlong	blocked;

typedef struct Thread Thread;
struct Thread
	union {
		int		tgid;			/* threadgroupid */
		int		pid;

	int		tid;				/* threadid */
 	int		ptid;				/* parent threadid */

	int		uid;
	int		gid;

	int		umask;

	int		exitsig;
	int		*cleartidaddr;		/* see set_tid_address() */

	Sigstate	ss;

extern Thread *threadp;

/* debugging */
#define DPRINT if(!debug) {} else print
extern int debug;

/* error.c translate from plan9 errors to linux ones */
int stringerr(char *);
int mkerror(void);

/* signal.c translate from plan9 waitmsg to linux signal numbers */
int stringsig(char *);
char *sigstring(int sig);
void sigprocess(Sigstate *ss);
uvlong sigpending(Sigstate *ss);
void sigdisable(Sigstate *ss);
void sigenable(Sigstate *ss);
int signote(Sigstate *ss, char *msg);
void sigclearall(Sigstate *ss);

int _kill(int pid, int sig);

/* sysfile.c linux versions of close/read/write */
int _close(int fd);
int _read(int fd, void *data, int len);
int _write(int fd, void *data, int len);

/* mmap.c */
void mmapinit(void);
void mmapexit(void);
void *mmap(void *addr, int len, int prot, int flags, int fd, int offset);
int munmap(void *addr, int len);
void *allocstack(int);
int msync(void *addr);

/* epoll.c */
typedef struct epoll_event epoll_event;

struct epoll_event
	ulong		events;
	uvlong		data;

int epoll_create(int size);
int epoll_ctl(int epfd, int op, int fd, struct epoll_event *event);
int epoll_wait(int epfd, epoll_event *events, int maxevents, int timeout);

/* notify epoll - callback used in buffd */
void epollevent(int fd, ulong setevents, ulong resetevents);

/* buffd.c */
void buffd(int fd);
void shutdownbuffd(int fd, int how);
void pollbuffd(int fd);
int buffdionread(int fd);
int readbuffd(int fd, void *data, int len, int noblock);
int peekbuffd(int fd, void *data, int len, int noblock);
int writebuffd(int fd, void *data, int len, int noblock);

/* util.c, filedescriptor tags */
	TAG_ALL = 0,
	TAG_SOCK = 5,

void *openfdtag(int fd, int tag, int create);
void closefdtag(void *tag);
void **fdtagp(void *tag);
int fdtagfd(void *tag);
void atdestroyfdtag(void *tag, void (*destroy)(void *tag));
void atforkfdtag(void *tag, void (*fork)(void *tag));
void destroyfdtag(void *tag);
void forkfdtag(void *tag);
void unlinkfdtag(void *tag);
void forkallfdtags(void);

/* util.c converting from plan9 /env to char** and back */
char **readenv(char *buf, int nbuf);
void writeenv(char **);

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