Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/bichued/root/sys/lib/python/mercurial/lock.pyc

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RS(	s�An advisory lock held by one process to control access to a set
    of files.  Non-cooperating processes or incorrectly written scripts
    can ignore Mercurial's locking scheme and stomp all over the
    repository, so don't do that.

    Typically used via localrepository.lock() to lock the repository
    store (.hg/store/) or localrepository.wlock() to lock everything
    else under .hg/.i�cCs;||_d|_||_||_||_|i�dS(Ni(tftheldttimeoutt	releasefntdescR(tselftfileRRR((s!/sys/lib/python/mercurial/lock.pyt__init__ s					cCs>|io&tiddtdd�d|_n|i�dS(Ns$use lock.release instead of del locktcategoryt
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o|SnXdS(soreturn id of locker if lock is valid, else None.

        If old-style lock, we cannot tell what machine locker is on.
        with new-style lock, if locker is on this machine, we can
        see if locker is alive.  If locker is on this machine but
        not alive, we can safely break lock.

        The lock file is only deleted when None is returned.

        t:is.breakN(R treadlockRtsplitt
ValueErrorRRtintttestpidRRtunlinkRRt	LockError(RRthosttpidtl((s!/sys/lib/python/mercurial/lock.pyR%Xs(	
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